Knowledge Base

Personal Protection Image

Personal Protection

This short box set helps people think about the financial impact of illness, critical illness or death and how insurance can help. It gives you an understanding of these important topics and the solutions advisers can provide.

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Pension Freedoms Image

Pension Freedoms

Money Alive’s Pension Freedoms box set is an engaging, impartial, consistent and efficient way to educate you about the different ways you can take the defined contribution pension. It comprises 8 short videos and takes around 30 minutes to view.

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Understanding long term care Image

Understanding long term care

This box set is a great way of educating you (or your family members) about how the care system works and the different ways care can be funded and paid for.

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Drawdown review Image

Drawdown review

The Drawdown Review box set discusses key ongoing considerations for our clients already in drawdown and supports our regular review process. It includes topics that the FCA considers important components of a good review process.

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Flexible Income Image

Flexible Income

This is designed to educate you about drawdown to help build your knowledge before you take your pension benefits.

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Guaranteed Income

Might an annuity be something you should consider? This box set covers important things you need to think about if you are considering buying an annuity. It showcases many of the areas an adviser can add real value to a client considering annuity purchase.

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Final salary Image

Final salary

This comprehensive box set covers the benefits of staying in a DB scheme and explores the implications of transferring outIncludes information on tax, risks, death, as well as other topics and case studies too. This box set is accredited by the PMI and is part of the PFS Gold Standard. It is widely used by advisers for DB triage.

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Equity Release Image

Equity Release

Money Alive’s Equity Release box set is an engaging, consistent and efficient way to educate you about releasing equity from your home. It comprises 10 short videos and takes around 30 minutes to view.

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Protect yourself from scams Image

Protect yourself from scams

Scamming is a multi-billion pound industry. This box set can help stop viewers becoming the next victim.

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State Pension Image

State Pension

Money Alive’s State Pension box set is an engaging and consistent way to educate people about this very important universal benefit.

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Business Protection Image

Business Protection

This short box set helps company owners, directors and partners understand the risk to their business where the owners or key employees are unable to work due to a critical illness or death.

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Wills Image


The majority of adults in the UK do not have a will. This is designed to help you understand the importance of making and reviewing a will and think about some of the key considerations when drawing one up.

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